Whether it's a web-app utility, a portfolio, an election campaign website, or even an interactive dashboard, we've done it all. And we'll do it again, however you like it.
Cool Charlie Sites are trusted by thousands to inform, assist, and entertain customers. All sites are built with all users in mind, to allow for the smoothest possible experience.
The Cool Charlie Signature is an indication that the site you're on is of high quality, accessiblity, and consideration.
Created to preserve moments in time, Cool Charlie Films produces high quality documentaries, promotions, and miscellaneous content for companies, non-profits, charities, and individuals.
CCF also works to produce fun content for no one in particular. These "etc" videos can range from The Diabetes Rap to personal short film projects.
Cool Charlie is connected with talent specializing in CAD/Product Design, Product Manufacturing, Music Production, Graphic Design, Visual Arts, Event Planning, and many other fields.
All Cool Charlie projects are built with these principles at the forefront of our process.
Time is our most valuable resource. That's why we never waste it. When it comes to our creation process or our final products, everything is exactly as simple as it should be. Not oversimplified, not convoluted.
If we do it, we do it well. Cool Charlie products do exactly what you want them to do. They're reliable, easy to understand, and they function well. We're extremely thorough and detail-oriented, resulting in the ideal product.
We're big on telling the truth. You won't catch us over-promise or under-deliver. There's never any hidden fees or fine print. We make sure that everyone invovlved in what we do knows what's going on.
We make all our products with the big picture in mind. We think about how we can make our product better, and we build with the vision of the future, meaning we're always ready for expansion.